QUESTION: First off I would like to thank you for taking time out of your day to give important advice and tips to inspire actors! My name is Robert Ambers. What I want to ask you is where and how do I go about starting a career in acting? I have been in a few high school plays and I have many people tell me I am a natural at acting! Now even with compliments like that I still understand that no matter how good you may be you still have to practice. But what I was wondering is if it’s possible to get an audition for a part even with little experience? Not just to see if in can make it, but to have a better understanding of the whole process.
ANSWER: I know many actors who got a few acting gigs before they had much experience. It’s beginner’s luck, I guess, but as you’ve guessed, jobs are unlikely to keep lining up if you don’t take the time to get proper training and a professional headshot and resume (along with an agent, at some point). There’s nothing wrong, through, with training while you work. If you get a paying acting job, ask more experienced actors in the cast where they take classes or start working with a coach if your rehearsal and performance schedule is too heavy for classes. You can also learn techniques from older actors whose work you like. The most important thing when you work right away is not to pick up bad habits. If you have a problem with a part, try not to use “tricks” but to find a truthful way to connect with your character.
For an idea on how to get these first roles, check out our page on finding auditions as well as these suggestions on how to gain experience as an actor. You can also read step by step information on how to become an actor here.