I am in the States with an exchange student visa, but it ends in May, 2009. So I am looking forward to be able to change it to a visa I can work with. So my question is, should I start to look for auditions/agents now or when I will have the other visa? I […]
Category: Common Acting Questions
by Eria Kline (Kokomo, IN – USA) QUESTION: I’m 28 years old and have never acted at all, never even did any in school. But now that things have settled down in my life, I would like to give it a shot. Where do I get the funds to help out with acting? I have […]
by Chelsea (Clark) QUESTION: How do you get an agent? And how do you get your first role when you are first starting as an actor? ANSWER: First, read this information on acting agents. You’ll find the answers to most of your questions, including the big question – how does one get an agent? Keep […]
QUESTION: How do I become a voice actress for computer animation movies and TV shows like Star Wars the Clone Wars? ANSWER: To get started, read our section on voice overs. It goes over the skills you need to audition for animation voice over jobs, as well as how to get voice over auditions. We […]
by Rosie (MA) QUESTION: What do casting directors look for in teen actors? ANSWER: Training is number one, especially with teens, because as mentioned in the interview below with a casting director, teen actors have to be able to deliver on a show, which means having strong comedic and dramatic acting skills and an acting […]
(Indiana, USA) QUESTION: I am a fifteen-year-old teen that has been interested in acting for years. I have a few problems with becoming an actor, though: —I live in the middle of nowhere, not even close to New York or California. The closest large cities are Chicago and Indianapolis, but both are hours away. I […]
Acting Jobs
QUESTION: If I study acting what jobs are available? ANSWER: Here’s a list of different acting jobs out there: Theater acting – This includes performing musical theater roles on Broadway, performing straight acting roles in large Equity Theaters and working in all size theaters all the way to small Off-Off-Broadway productions. Some actors choose to […]
by MRS (San Bernardino) QUESTION: I’m a recent high school graduate living in Southern California and am preparing to enter College up North in the Fall, but I am at a loss regarding my future career. I have always had an interest in acting but have never pursued it. I enjoy watching plays but I […]
Acting in America
I’m a foreign Actress and I would like to live in the US by Sunny (Berlin/ Paris) QUESTION: I’m a foreign Actress and I would like to live in the US, but it is hard to get a Visa nowadays. Maybe anyone has any good ideas or tips? If not I would like to know […]
by Jonathan (CA) QUESTION: If I were to get together with a few of my acting friends, and we were to write, direct, act, and promote our own short films and put them on youtube,and other websites, would these videos be okay to put on an acting resume. Then when I send my resume into […]