Character Development

Help with character development!

by Shelby Salt (Calgary, Alberta Canada) QUESTION: In school, we are doing a Cinderella parody and I auditioned for Cinderella and got the part. I was very happy about that until it came to developing and knowing your character. In the play Cinderella likes basketball and that’s pretty much the only difference from the real […]

Character Development

How do I act the part of a child

(canada) QUESTION: I am 19 years old and I’ve been acting since I was 3 years old, I’m in a play for the sears drama festival, I’m playing the part of a 5 year old, she’s a really fun character, but my problem is I have a large chest (D cup) and I want to […]

Character Development

Getting into Character?

QUESTION: I am doing a scene at the moment and I do not feel that I am in character one bit. How do I get into character? Is it by looking at the movie, play or scene the actor is in? I just don’t know how… Any help? ANSWER: If you are doing a scene […]

Character Development

Character Experiencing a Loss

QUESTION: I am doing a 15 minute skit based on the short story ‘On the Sidewalk Bleeding’ and I play Laura, a girl who is deeply in love with her boyfriend, but he is killed in a gang fight and she finds him dead in an alley. I’m not sure how to get in to […]

Character Development

What’s a character actor?

by SALIOU (NEW YORK) QUESTION: What’s a character actor? ANSWER: Good question. A character actor is someone who has a very specific type. It is often used for comedic types but not necessarily. If you always play bad guys, you can be considered a character actor. Some people just have a strong character actor look, […]

Character Development

Woman playing male role

by Katie (Ohio) QUESTION: I am a woman playing a male role. I need to know how to stand and talk like a man. I also need to know how men think, how they act, and what they are like in general and how they carry themselves. ANSWER: That sounds like a fun challenge. Not […]

Character Development

Playing a Character Not Like You

by claudia (england) QUESTION: It’s not real, it’s just acting. How can you pretend to be someone else? Your character might not suit your personality at all. What do you do? ANSWER: Exactly, it’s just acting, so your character doesn’t have to fit your personality. Actually, if they did, acting would be kind of boring. […]

Character Development

Writer character bio versus actor character bio

QUESTION: I am not an actor. Studying how actors prepare their craft, I am left with a question regarding character development. As a writer, I have concrete ideas as to any given characters background/bio, what motivates them, their fears, wants, desires, etc. I also have very concrete ideas as to why the character is even […]

Character Development

Acting tips to play Bad Guys

by Justin Magoffin (New Hampshire) QUESTION: I’m making a Resident Evil movie and I’m playing the bad guy Albert Wesker. Do you have any tips of how I can excel at being this bad ass villain? ANSWER: One useful acting tip when you’re playing “bad guys” is not to act as if you were evil. […]

Character Development

How do i act like a male “Hunter” when I am a girl?

QUESTION: I am doing a small play in which i play a hunter, and i was wondering how to actually do a man-voice,(i have a high pitch girly-voice) and how to get into character before actually dressing up! Any suggestions or details of the above tips to help me? Thanks! ANSWER: First, ask the director […]