This prestigious acting school located in midtown Manhattan has trained many famous actors, including Gregory Peck and Steve McQueen. The 2-year program is centered around the Meisner technique (Meisner himself taught here until 1990).
Student actors free their instrument through improvisation, work on character and script analysis and study performance techniques while taking classes in voice, speech, singing, dance, theatre history, Shakespeare, stage techniques, make-up, stage combat and more.
Performance opportunities: First year students perform scenes in front of other theater students and faculty. Second year students work with a professional director on a public presentation of one-act plays or full-length plays (students work on costumes and sets under the supervision of professional designers).
Career preparation: Graduating students perform in an industry showcase written and produced by them. Acting teachers and invited working professionals help students learn how to market themselves and audition.
Degree: 2-year certificate program.
Financial Aid: Need-based federal grants are available to US citizens mostly, as well as loans and a limited amount of scholarships for second year students.
What you’ll need to apply: 3 letters of reference, interview (you can interview in many cities in the US and around the world). Acceptance into the second year is very selective and continuance in the program after the first three months of the first year is based on an evaluation. International students are welcome but need to fulfill additional requirements.
Audition policy: Students are not allowed to audition or perform during the school year without special permission.